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IAFI corporate membership Benefits include:
Members are invited to all the events of the Foundation which include: training programs, seminars, workshops etc. conducted by the society on a complementary basis Members shall have access to information related to ITU and APT and other telecom journals where members can subscribe. Members are eligible to participate in ITU-R, ITU-T, ITU-D and APT activities under our membership. In addition, we also support inclusion of our members to the official Indian administration delegations to ITU-R and other Administration only meetings such as World Radio Conferences, ITU Plenipotentiary conference, APT preparatory meeting for various global conferences etc. Members are actively involved in all Regulatory interventions by the foundation in areas including Spectrum related issues (Efficient utilization, Spectrum allocation and Spectrum pricing), telecom standardization and policy issues (5G, PPDR, IFC, testing and type approval), consultations issued Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), Department of Telecom (DOT), Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and other authorities. Corporate members have their views included in all regulatory interventions by the Foundation. Expert opinion on all the subjects related to radio-communications, spectrum, telecommunication research and development, standardization etc. can be made available to the members. Corporate members are automatically invited to nominate one member to the Executive Council (EC) of the Foundation. EC is responsible for managing the affairs of the association and decide on all activities and policies of the Foundation.
ITU-APT Corporate Members
Partners Association