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Aims and objectives of the society, mainly, are:
1.To conduct and co-ordinate research studies on various technical, scientific, regulatory and other related matters, to make contributions to various conferences, meetings, and other activities including technical study groups and associated events of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Asia Pacific Telecommunity(APT) within the framework of the established mechanism and to strengthen active co-operation with ITU and APT with special emphasis on rural development.
2. To foster international cooperation and to promote telecommunications in association with other countries, especially developing countries, mainly in Asia, and with other national and international bodies as also by getting entrusted with the works by activities such as organising training, seminars, research studies and sharing of information, with particular emphasis on rural development.
3. To promote, encourage and engage in scientific, educational and research activities which lead to active and meaningful involvement of industry and institutions in the country in the activities of the ITU and APT resulting in healthy growth of industry and infrastructure in the country with emphasis on rural development. This will include formation and guidance to the relevant institutions and to hold meetings for presenting and discussing technical and research papers, and other works of science, technology, regulatory and other allied activities.
4. To provide, encourage, initiate, collaborate and promote facilities for the discoveries, innovations, research, improvement and development of new methods and technologies including convergence with special emphasis on rural development within the scope of the society.
5. To undertake research, studies and other activities in cooperation, patronage and coordination of the government, as may be sought and entrusted by the government.
6. To supplement government efforts and to assist government in organizing meetings, seminars, etc. and to facilitate implementation of government decisions within the scope of the society
7. To encourage rational formulation of national goals in the context of research, technical and other studies as related to the activities of the ITU and APT.
ITU-APT Corporate Members
Partners Association