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Vijay Kumar Gupta
1. NATIONAL AWARD, announced on Republic Day’1975 and received on 4th August 1975 from the Hon’ble President of India organized by NRDC, New Delhi on inventing and making a working gadget on “TV DRY REHARSAL CAMERAS AND MECHANICALSWITCHER”
2. Technical paper on the working of the gadget was published in the Educational Broadcasting International ( A Journal of British Council) published from London in Septrmber,1974
3. Received First & Third Prizes on technical papers “RELAY OF COMMENTARIES & PROGRMME” and “ROAD ILLUMNATION” respectively which were published in IEI Bulletins of Delhi Centre during 1970 & 1972. These prizes were given by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and the Hon’ble Vice President of India respectively.
4. Received an appreciation of valuable services to the Special Organizing Committee. IX Asian Games, held at Delhi during 1982.
5. Won first Prize as one of the Participant in the Indian Culture Exhibit at the Festival Of Nations at Minnesota, USA during May,2009.