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3rd National Preparatory
Workshop for WRC-23

Chief Guest:

Shri. AK Tiwari -Member Technology, Department of Telecommunications

Event Timing:2:30PM Onwards

Thursday, October 21, 2021

About Event

The next World Radio Conference, WRC-23, will take place in the fourth quarter of 2023 at a location yet to be finalized. The outcome of WRC-23 will result in an updating of the international spectrum framework, which is detailed in the Radio Regulations, an international treaty published and maintained by the International Telecommunication Union (a specialized agency of the United Nations).
Preparations for WRC-23 have been going on since the last WRC-19 concluded in Sharm-El-Sheikh in November 2019. While the ITU-R study groups are engaged in developing the first draft of the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) Report, Regional preparations are also going on in all the three regions of the World. In Region 3, in Asia Pacific, the preparations are coordinated by the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT). The APT Conference Preparatory Group for World Radiocommunication Conference (APG) has been developed into one of the most important activities of APT. APG was started in 1996 with the objective of harmonizing views and developing common proposals from the Asia-Pacific region for the World Radio Conference (WRC). Mr. R.N.Aggarwal, our Co-chairman and Former Wireless advisor to the Government of India was the first chairman of APG and continued as APG chair for many years and during his leadership, APG has met exemplary success in presenting the views of the region at WRCs.
The 3rd meeting of APG for WRC-23 (APG23-3) will be held from 8th to 13th November 2021 as a virtual meeting.
Last date of receipt of your contributions by APT Secretariat for APG23-3 is 1 November 2021.
To support India's national preparations on key agenda items of WRC-23, ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) is organizing the Third national workshop on WRC-23 on October 21,2021 from 02:30 PM Onwards.

Our Speakers

Agenda Items of WRC-23

Agenda Item 1.1

To consider, based on the results of the ITU R studies, possible measures to address, in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz, protection of stations of the aeronautical and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from other stations located within national territories, and to review the pfd criteria in No. 5.441B in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC 19).

APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Not necessary to apply the pfd criteria in RR. No. 5.441B
• Support the on-going ITU-R studies for this agenda item

Draft India preliminary views
WRC-19 approved WRC-23 agenda item 1.1 to review the power flux-density criteria in RR No. 5.441B in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19), which invites ITU-R to study the technical and regulatory conditions for the protection of stations of the AMS and the maritime mobile service (MMS) located in international airspace or waters (i.e. outside national territories) and operated in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz.

Analysis of existing practice shows that Radio Regulations provides protection for aeronautical mobile stations in the international airspace (or outside national territories) only in the frequency bands specifically allocated to aeronautical mobile (R) service, which is safety-of-life service or aeronautical mobile (or) service. For instance, protection in the international airspace for stations in aeronautical mobile (R) service provisions of Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations applies and in aeronautical mobile (or) service provisions of Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations applies. From the analysis of the Radio Regulations, it could be concluded that frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz is not subject to any frequency allocation plan. As a result, there are no specific provisions to protect aeronautical stations in the Radio Regulations, which would require specific criteria or pfd value. India, therefore, proposes to remove the pfd limit from the RR footnote No. 5.441B.

Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
- Not necessary to apply the pfd criteria in RR. No. 5.441B
- Support the ongoing ITU-R studies for this agenda item

Agenda Item 1.2

To consider identification of the frequency bands 3 300-3 400 MHz (R1 & R2), 3 600-3 800 MHz (R2), 6 425-7 025 MHz (R1), 7 025-7 125 MHz (globally) and 10.0-10.5 GHz (R2) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 245 (WRC-19)

APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Focus on 7 025-7 125 MHz only
• Support the development of APT Preliminary Views regarding the frequency bands for other Regions
• For frequency bands for R1 and R2 to discuss and consider the impact on existing services in R3 in the same and adjacent frequency bands
• Identification of 10-10.5 GHz in R2 may have a global impact on EESS (active) in 10.0-10.4 GHz

Draft India preliminary views
• India encourages the coexistence of various services in the frequency bands mentioned in this agenda item. It has been contributing towards these studies in the relevant working parties of ITU-R. India is also of the view that identification of IMT in some of the frequency bands of this agenda item may cause interference to incumbents of primary services in neighbouring regions and hence supports technical studies in this regard. In particular, it should be ensured that any IMT use of the band 6425-7025 MHz in Region 1 does not harm FSS operations in Region 3.

• India also supports the idea of economies of scale through proper spectrum harmonisation for IMT. It, therefore, will consider the outcome of studies in the frequency band 7 025-7 125 MHz in developing its position on this agenda item for this frequency band.

• Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item -
- Support the ongoing ITU-R studies for this agenda item
- Support IMT identification in 7 025-7 125 MHz

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