Workshop on Green Telecom

Green Telecom Review

Indian telecom sector has experienced a phenomenal growth in the recent past and is rising exponentially. The Government is taking initiatives on various fronts for increasing Tele-density and Broadband penetration in urban and rural India. Telecom initiatives in rural India face problems for quite some time. In most of the rural areas conventional grid power is not available and in some cases the grid is far away. Wherever the grid supply is available the power quality is erratic. As availability of quality power in the rural areas, is not assured, battery is used as power back-up which keeps un-interrupted power supply for the desired period. Two of the most common alternate power solutions are diesel generator and inverter-battery systems.

TRAI in its recommendation on approach towards green telecommunications has recommended to initiate measures to green the telecommunication sector, all Infrastructure and services in the Telecom Sector should be Energy and performance assessed.

Going green has become a necessity for Telecom operators with energy cost becoming as large as 25% of the OPEX. With increase in the price of diesel and environmental concern about Green House Gas Emissions, the department of telecom is moving fast making provisions for non-conventional energy, solar & wind power in both remote off grid sites as well as grid sites.

The objective of the Webinar is to ensure exchange of thoughts between the stakeholders in the Indian ecosystem and the stakeholders at the international level : - Insight

Topics of Discussion

1) Defining Green Telecom.

2) Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGNM) impact on the Green Future.

3) Quantifying the impact of green initiatives.

4) Digital Technologies and the Green Economy.

5) Standardisation efforts at ITU, Energy-Saving and Carbon Reduction Potential of Digital Technology.

6) 5G and Beyond - Energy Efficiency Challenges and Opportunities.

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