Agenda Item 1.1
To consider, based on the results of the ITU R studies, possible measures to address, in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz, protection of stations of the aeronautical and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from other stations located within national territories, and to review the pfd criteria in No. 5.441B in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC 19).
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Not necessary to apply the pfd criteria in RR. No. 5.441B
• Support the on-going ITU-R studies for this agenda item
Draft India preliminary views
WRC-19 approved WRC-23 agenda item 1.1 to review the power flux-density criteria in RR No. 5.441B in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19), which invites ITU-R to study the technical and regulatory conditions for the protection of stations of the AMS and the maritime mobile service (MMS) located in international airspace or waters (i.e. outside national territories) and operated in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz.
Analysis of existing practice shows that Radio Regulations provides protection for aeronautical mobile stations in the international airspace (or outside national territories) only in the frequency bands specifically allocated to aeronautical mobile (R) service, which is safety-of-life service or aeronautical mobile (or) service. For instance, protection in the international airspace for stations in aeronautical mobile (R) service provisions of Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations applies and in aeronautical mobile (or) service provisions of Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations applies. From the analysis of the Radio Regulations, it could be concluded that frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz is not subject to any frequency allocation plan. As a result, there are no specific provisions to protect aeronautical stations in the Radio Regulations, which would require specific criteria or pfd value. India, therefore, proposes to remove the pfd limit from the RR footnote No. 5.441B.
Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
- Not necessary to apply the pfd criteria in RR. No. 5.441B
- Support the ongoing ITU-R studies for this agenda item
Agenda Item 1.2
To consider identification of the frequency bands 3 300-3 400 MHz (R1 & R2), 3 600-3 800 MHz (R2), 6 425-7 025 MHz (R1), 7 025-7 125 MHz (globally) and 10.0-10.5 GHz (R2) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 245 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Focus on 7 025-7 125 MHz only
• Support the development of APT Preliminary Views regarding the frequency bands for other Regions
• For frequency bands for R1 and R2 to discuss and consider the impact on existing services in R3 in the same and adjacent frequency bands
• Identification of 10-10.5 GHz in R2 may have a global impact on EESS (active) in 10.0-10.4 GHz
Draft India preliminary views
• India encourages the coexistence of various services in the frequency bands mentioned in this agenda item. It has been contributing towards these studies in the relevant working parties of ITU-R. India is also of the view that identification of IMT in some of the frequency bands of this agenda item may cause interference to incumbents of primary services in neighbouring regions and hence supports technical studies in this regard. In particular, it should be ensured that any IMT use of the band 6425-7025 MHz in Region 1 does not harm FSS operations in Region 3.
• India also supports the idea of economies of scale through proper spectrum harmonisation for IMT. It, therefore, will consider the outcome of studies in the frequency band 7 025-7 125 MHz in developing its position on this agenda item for this frequency band.
• Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item -
- Support the ongoing ITU-R studies for this agenda item
- Support IMT identification in 7 025-7 125 MHz
Agenda Item 1.3
To consider primary allocation of the band 3 600-3 800 MHz to mobile service within Region 1 and take appropriate regulatory actions, in accordance with Resolution 246 (WRC 19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• More desirable to satisfy this agenda item with similar technical and regulatory conditions stated in the lower and upper adjacent frequency bands (e.g. refer to conditions in RR No. 5.430A for 3 400-3 600 MHz)
• Non-overlapping scope of agenda items 1.2 and 1.3 in the dealing with 3 600-3 800 MHz
• Allocation of 3 600-3 800 MHz to the mobile service on a primary basis within R1, should not have any adverse effect on the allocation of the existing services and their future development in R3
Draft India preliminary views
• India supports the harmonization of various frequency bands for IMT at a global and regional level. While this agenda item is for allocation of 3 600-3 800 MHz to the mobile service on a primary basis within Region 1, it is essential that necessary technical coexistence studies be carried out in ITU-R in accordance with Resolution 246 (WRC 19). Such an allocation should not adversely affect the incumbents of the existing services and their future development in Region 3.
• Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
- Support the ongoing ITU-R studies for this agenda item
- Support studies regarding any adverse effect on the existing services and their future development in R3
Agenda Item 1.4
To consider, in accordance with Resolution 247 (WRC-19), the use of high-altitude platform stations as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in certain frequency bands below 2.7 GHz already identified for IMT, on a global or regional level
• 694-960 MHz;
• 1 710-1 885 MHz (1 710-1 815 MHz to be used for uplink only in Region 3);
• 2 500-2 690 MHz (2 500-2 535 MHz to be used for uplink only in Region 3, except 2 655-2 690 MHz in Region 3)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ongoing ITU-R studies for establishing a new globally or regionally harmonised regulatory framework for HIBS
• Ensuring protection of the existing services, to which the frequency band is allocated on a primary basis
• Not imposing any additional technical or regulatory constraints in their deployment including other IMT uses, existing systems and the planned development of primary services
• No agreement was reached to send LS to AWG
Draft India preliminary views:
India supports this agenda item on HIBS, which may be used as a part of terrestrial IMT networks, using the IMT frequency bands. HIBS may be used as a part of terrestrial IMT networks to provide mobile connectivity to underserved communities, mountainous/desert terrain, and rural and remote areas where the deployment of ground-based IMT stations is either not possible or is not cost-effective. India further supports a new globally or regionally harmonised regulatory framework towards this agenda item. India also supports that any change must ensure the protection of services to which the bands are allocated on a primary basis and should not prioritise HIBS over existing IMT identifications. Accordingly, India also supports ongoing ITU-R studies for ensuring the protection of existing services in accordance with Resolution 247 (WRC-19).
Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
• While we support ongoing ITU-R studies for establishing a new globally or regionally harmonised regulatory framework for HIBS , studies carried out by India in the band 2500-2690 MHz indicate an impact of the HIBS on MSS, BSS and RDSS. Therefore, India believes that this agenda requires a careful examination with a view to protect these satellite services. Therefore We do not support 2500-2690 MHz for HIBS
• Ensure protection of existing services, to which these frequency bands are allocated on a primary basis and primary services in the adjacent frequency bands
• Not imposing of any additional technical or regulatory constraints in existing services, including terrestrial IMT stations.
Agenda Item 1.5
To review the spectrum use and spectrum needs of existing services in the frequency band 470- 960 MHz in Region 1 and consider possible regulatory actions in the frequency band 470-694 MHz in Region 1 on the basis of the review in accordance with Resolution 235 (WRC 15)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• View that conclusion to be reached on the agenda item 1.5 is a R1 issue and WRC-23 decisions shall in no way adversely affect R3 frequency allocations and existing and future use of the relevant frequency band
• Concern about possible interference from R1 future application in mobile service to existing services and applications in R3
• Heavy workload of TG 6/1 with six planned meetings on this agenda item highlighted and the complexity of future discussions of this group on different aspects expected by the meeting
Draft India preliminary views
• India notes that this agenda item is limited to Region 1 and therefore does not have a position on this agenda item. However, India supports sharing and compatibility studies, as appropriate, in the frequency band 470-694 MHz in Region 1 between the broadcasting and mobile, except aeronautical mobile services, taking into account relevant ITU-R studies, Recommendations and Reports.
• Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
- Supports sharing and compatibility studies
Agenda Item 9.1, topic c
To study the use of International Mobile Telecommunication system for fixed wireless broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed services on primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 175 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Topic c)
• No change to the ITU RR is required under this topic for fixed wireless broadband applications using IMT technology
• ITU-R studies shall take into account the coexistence between the IMT and existing systems in the frequency bands currently allocated to the fixed service - premature to conclude that no change to the RR is required
• Limited time to reconcile the different views
• No consensus was reached to send a liaison statement to AWG
Draft India preliminary views
India notes that this agenda item is to study the use of IMT systems for fixed wireless broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis, taking into account the relevant ITU-R studies, Handbooks, Recommendations and Reports. Accordingly Indiaisof the view that agenda item 9.1 topic c) should be addressed by reviewing the existing ITU-R Recommendations/Reports and Handbooks. If required, necessary modifications to implement FWA/FWB systems using IMT technology be made in these existing ITU-R Recommendations/Reports and Handbooks, but there is no need to develop any new regulatory provisions in the Radio Regulations since this is a topic under agenda item 9.1. Working Party (WP) 5A and WP 5C have been assigned as jointly responsible groups for this topic.
• Following are the preliminary views of India on this agenda item –
- No change to the ITU RR is required under this topic for fixed wireless broadband applications using IMT technology
- Review the existing ITU-R Recommendations/Reports and Handbooks and make necessary modifications to implement FWA/FWB systems using IMT technology
Agenda topic RR No. 21.5
The applicability of the limit specified in No. 21.5 of the Radio Regulations to IMT stations, that use an antenna that consists of an array of active elements, with a view to recommend ways for its possible replacement or revision for such stations, as well as any necessary updates to Table 21‐2 related to terrestrial and space services sharing frequency bands
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• This issue is not under agenda item 9.2 which is strictly limited to the Report of the Director on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations
• Equal rights between terrestrial IMT and space services in relation to the studies on RR No. 21.5 • APT Members encouraged to participate in the discussion of ITU-R WP 5D
• Support the on-going ITU-R studies on the applicability of the limits specified in RR No. 21.5 to IMT stations using active antenna systems (AAS) and the verification of RR No. 21.5 regarding the notification of these IMT stations
• Views that ITU-R studies should address the matters being raised so far and prepare solutions which provide regulatory provisions/measures for the operation of terrestrial IMT and space services and their future development in a balanced and fair manner
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 9.1, topic c
To consider, in accordance with Resolution 772 (WRC 19), regulatory provisions to facilitate radiocommunications for sub-orbital vehicles
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ITU-R studies of spectrum needs for communications between stations on board sub-orbital vehicles and terrestrial/space stations and of appropriate modification, if any, to the Radio Regulations consistent with Resolution 772 (WRC-19)
• Existing services must be properly protected when studying appropriate modification to the RR
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.7
To consider a new aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S) allocation in accordance with Resolution 428 (WRC-19) for both the Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth directions of aeronautical VHF communications in all or part of the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz, while preventing any undue constraints on existing VHF systems operating in the AM(R)S, the ARNS, and in adjacent frequency bands
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ITU-R studies for a new AMS(R)S allocation for the Earth to space and space to Earth direction
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.8
To consider, on the basis of ITU R studies in accordance with Resolution 171 (WRC-19), appropriate regulatory actions, with a view to reviewing and, if necessary, revising Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) and No. 5.484B to accommodate the use of fixed-satellite service (FSS) networks by control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
Agenda Item 1.9
To review Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations and consider appropriate regulatory actions and updates based on ITU R studies, in order to accommodate digital technologies for commercial aviation safety-of-life applications in existing HF bands allocated to the aeronautical mobile (route) service and ensure coexistence of current HF systems alongside modernized HF systems, in accordance with Resolution 429 (WRC 19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support studies with a view to identify any necessary modifications to RR. Appendix 27 to accommodate wideband HF technologies for AM(R)S between 2 850 and 22 000 kHz with the need to avoid harmful interference to Primary services in the same band and adjacent bands in particular existing AM(R)S HF systems.
• Recognise that there are differing Wideband HF technologies
• Changes to RR. Appendix 27 should allow new digital wideband HF systems taking into account technology neutrality
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.10
To conduct studies on spectrum needs, coexistence with radiocommunication services and regulatory measures for possible new allocations for the aeronautical mobile service for the use of non-safety aeronautical mobile applications, in accordance with Resolution 430 (WRC 19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ongoing ITU-R studies on spectrum needs, coexistence with radiocommunication services and regulatory measures for this agenda item
• View that the protection of existing primary services in the 15.4-15.7 GHz and 22-22.21 GHz and adjacent frequency bands should be ensured
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.11
To consider possible regulatory actions to support the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and the implementation of e-navigation, in accordance with Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Resolves 1: GMDSS Modernization
# View that the introduction of enhanced technologies into the GMDSS should not require any additional modification to the relevant radiocommunication equipment already installed onboard ship Support possible introduction of automatic connection system (ACS) and international NAVDAT service for the modernization of GMDSS
# View that ITU-R studies take into consideration the activities of IMO for GMDSS modernization, such as introduction of NAVDAT system and revised IMO performance standards of GMDSS equipment
• Resolves 2: E-navigation
# Support the ITU-R studies and associated regulatory actions, taking into consideration the activities of IMO, for implementation of e-navigation
• Resolves 3: Introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS
# View that the introduction of additional GSO satellite systems into the GMDSS are considered, provided that the results of study on sharing and compatibility with other services in the same and adjacent frequency bands ensure protection of services to which the bands are allocated
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda topic Resolution 427 (WRC-19)
Resolution 427 (WRC‐19) ‐ Updating provisions related to aeronautical services in the Radio Regulations
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Res. 427 (WRC-19)
• Support ITU-R studies on the relevant Articles of RR and their associated appendices to identify outdated aeronautical provisions, and the development of regulatory texts for updating these provisions
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.12
To conduct, and complete in time for WRC 23, studies for a possible new secondary allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service for spaceborne radar sounders within the range of frequencies around 45 MHz, taking into account the protection of incumbent services, including in adjacent bands, in accordance with Resolution 656 (Rev.WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• A possible new secondary allocation could be considered to the EESS (active) for spaceborne radar sounders within the range of frequencies around 45 MHz if ITU-R studies show that the protection of in-band and adjacent band incumbent services could be ensured while not imposing any additional restrictions onto those services
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.13
To consider a possible upgrade of the allocation of the frequency band 14.8-15.35 GHz to the space research service, in accordance with Resolution 661 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ITU-R studies for the consideration of upgrading the SRS allocation from secondary to primary in the frequency band 14.8-15.35 GHz
• Ensure protection and not imposing constraints on incumbent services in 14.8-15.35 GHz as well as the band 15.35-15.4 GHz
• Appropriate transitional measures need to be developed to protect incumbent service allocated on a secondary basis in the frequency band 15.2-15.35 GHz
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.14
To review and consider possible adjustments of the existing or possible new primary frequency allocations to EESS (passive) in the frequency range 231.5-252 GHz, to ensure alignment with more up-to-date remote-sensing observation requirements, in accordance with Resolution 662 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support the consideration of possible adjustments of the existing or possible new primary frequency allocations to EESS (passive) in the range 231.5-252 GHz subject to the outcome of the study results
• Any changes to the EESS (passive) allocations in the range 231.5-252 GHz shall not adversely affect the operation of other primary services allocated in this frequency band
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 9.1, topic a
In accordance with Resolution 657 (Rev.WRC‐19), review the results of studies relating to the technical and operational characteristics, spectrum requirements and appropriate radio service designations for space weather sensors with a view to describing appropriate recognition and protection in the Radio Regulations without placing additional constraints on incumbent services
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Topic a)
• Supports the ITU-R studies relating to the agenda item
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 9.1, Topic d
Protection of EESS (passive) in the frequency band 36-37 GHz from non GSO FSS space stations
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Topic d)
• Support studies in ITU-R for the protection of EESS (passive) sensors operating in the band 36-37 GHz from non-GSO FSS systems in the band 37.5-38 GHz, with due consideration of operational aspects of non-GSO FSS system, leading to Recommendations and/or Reports as appropriate
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda topic Resolution 655 (WRC-15)
Definition of time scale and dissemination of time signals via radiocommunication systems
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Res. 655 (WRC-15)
• To be developed
Draft India preliminary views
Agenda Item 1.15
To harmonize the use of the frequency band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations on aircraft and vessels communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service globally, in accordance with Resolution 172 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support on-going studies being carried out by ITU-R WP 4A
• Support ITU-R studies to develop technical conditions and regulatory provisions for operation of earth stations on aircraft and vessels communicating with GSO space stations in the FSS operating in 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space), while ensuring protection to the existing services and those in the adjacent bands
• Operation should not impact the usability of the allotments in the Plan and assignments in the List under Appendix 30B of the RR
• Use of 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations on aircraft and vessels shall not limit the access of other administrations to their national resources in Appendix 30B as well as implementation of Resolution 170 (WRC 19)
Draft India preliminary views
• The frequency band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) is a planned band under Appendix 30Bwhere each country is allotted one orbital slot for national coverage, and the coordination provisions are stringent.
• Four Indian satellites (HTS & bent pipe) are already in-orbit
• As coordination in the NP FSS Ku band has become difficult, interests in Planned bands have increased. But, this has also led to an increased number of ITU filings by the non-Indian satellite operators for Indian coverage
• India supports ongoing studies carried out by ITU-R WP 4A, and we are keenly observing these studies.
• The usability of the allotments in the Plan and assignments in the List under Appendix 30B of the RR should not be impacted by this agenda item
• Any use of the band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by earth stations on aircraft and vessels shall not limit access to Appendix 30B
Agenda Item 1.16
To study and develop technical, operational and regulatory measures, as appropriate, to facilitate the use of the frequency bands 17.7-18.6 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz (Earth-to-space) by non-GSO FSS earth stations in motion, while ensuring due protection of existing services in those frequency bands, in accordance with Resolution 173 (WRC 19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Results of on-going sharing and compatibility studies carried out by WP4A between these bands and the existing services including passive services allocated in those frequency bands and the adjacent bands should ensure the protection of these services
• Appropriate examination methods for any measures to be taken by the Bureau for non-GSO ESIM to comply with resolutions dealing with this Agenda Item should be established in order to ensure the protection of terrestrial services and space services once the result of ITU-R studies are available
Draft India preliminary views
• India supports studies to develop technical conditions and regulatory framework for the use of the frequency bands 17.7-18.6GHz and 18.8-19.3GHz and 19.7-20.2GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.1GHz and 29.5-30GHz (Earth-to-space) by non-GSO FSS earth stations in motion, similar to that of GSO ESIM while ensuring due protection of existing services in those frequency bands.
• Non-GSO ESIM operating in the frequency bands 17.7-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz (see No. 5.524) shall not claim protection from terrestrial services to which the frequency band is allocated and operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations
• For the protection of space services, non-GSO ESIM characteristics shall remain within the envelope characteristics of typical earth stations associated with the non-GSO satellite system with which these ESIM communicate
• For the protection of GSO FSS networks operating in the 17.8-18.6 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz, 27.5-28.6 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz, the applicable EPFD limits in Nos. 22.5C, 22.5D and 22.5F shall apply. The methodology included in Recommendation ITU-R S.1503 for determination of compliance with epfd limits in Article 22 applies to ESIMs communicating with non-GSO FSS systems.
• While an appropriate examination methodology may be established for any measures for NGSO ESIM to comply with Resolutions dealing with this Agenda Item, adequate transitional measures could be developed if the methodology is not finalized by WRC-23.
Agenda Item 1.17
To determine and carry out, on the basis of the ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 773 (WRC 19), the appropriate regulatory actions for the provision of inter-satellite links in specific frequency bands, or portions thereof, by adding an inter-satellite service allocation where appropriate
• 11.7-12.7 GHz, 18.1-18.6 GHz, 18.8-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30 GHz
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support ITU-R studies on the sharing and compatibility as well as to develop technical conditions and regulatory provisions for the use of satellite-to-satellite operations
• The use shall ensure protection of primary services allocated in the bands and in the adjacent bands
Draft India preliminary views
• India supports ongoing studies under both concepts of operations (.i.e.. e. within the cone of coverage and expanded cone) undercurrent FSS allocations according to the FSS directionality indicators (i.e. Earth-to-space or space-to-Earth).
Agenda Item 1.18
To consider studies relating to spectrum needs and potential new allocations to the mobile satellite service for future development of narrowband mobile-satellite systems, in accordance with Resolution 248 (WRC 19)
• 1 695-1 710 MHz (R1)
• 2 010-2 025 MHz (R1)
• 3 300-3 315 MHz, 3 385-3 400 MHz (R2)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Support the studies at ITU-R for ensuring the protection of primary services including the protection for IMT systems deployed in the same and adjacent frequency bands for R3, noting that they are Regions 1 & 2 issues
• Existing primary services can continue operations without additional regulatory or technical constraints imposed on the services, in any potential decisions made at WRC-23 regarding agenda item 1.18
Draft India preliminary views
• Support the studies at ITU-R for ensuring the protection of primary services, including the protection for IMT systems deployed in the same and adjacent frequency bands for R3, noting that they are Regions 1 & 2 issues
• Development of existing and new IMT systems in R3 should not be constrained in any way by any potential decisions made at WRC-23 regarding agenda item 1.18
Agenda Item 1.19
To consider a new primary allocation to the fixed-satellite service in the space-to-Earth direction in the frequency band 17.3-17.7 GHz in Region 2, while protecting existing primary services in the band, in accordance with Resolution 174 (WRC 19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• Any studies at ITU-R related to Agenda Item 1.19 needs to ensure protection of the services to which the bands are allocated in the same and adjacent bands
Draft India preliminary views
• Any ITU-R studies related to Agenda Item 1.19 need to protect existing and future systems in the primary services to which the band is allocated in the same and adjacent frequency bands in R3.
• Existing and new systems in the services to which the band is allocated on a primary basis in R3 should not be constrained in any way by any potential decisions made at WRC-23 regarding agenda item 1.19
Agenda Item 7
To consider possible changes, in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC-07), in order to facilitate the rational, efficient and economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit
The agreed Topics under WRC-23 Agenda item 7 are:
• Topic A: Tolerances for Certain Orbital Characteristics of Non-GSO Space Stations in the FSS, BSS and MSS
• Topic B: Post-milestone reporting procedure for non GSO systems
• Topic C: 7/8 & 20/30 GHz GSO MSS protection
• Topic D: Mod to App 1 to Annex 4 of AP30B
• Topic E: Improved procedures under RR Appendix 30B for new ITU Member States
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
Topic A - NGSO Orbital tolerances
• Development of the definition of tolerances of non-GSO space stations should account for potential differences between the notified and deployed orbital characteristics
• Appropriate regulatory measures should be developed with due consideration of operational aspects, for non-GSO space stations if the operations are beyond the specified allowable tolerances
Draft India preliminary views
• Non-GSO space stations tolerances should take account for potential differences between the notified and deployed orbital characteristics
Topic B - Post-milestone reporting
• Studies for developing final post-milestone procedures at WRC-23 need to take into account the reporting procedure defined in resolves 19 of Resolution 35 (WRC-19)
• When developing the post-milestone procedures, some operational flexibility which is necessary for the maintenance of the non-GSO system may need to be duly considered
Draft India preliminary views
• Post-milestone procedures for NGSO to be finalized by the WRC-23 should take into account resolves 19 of Resolution 35 (WRC-19)
• Necessary operational flexibility for the maintenance of the non-GSO system should be duly considered
Topic C - 7/8 & 20/30 GHz GSO MSS protection
• Any regulatory solutions to be developed should include technical criteria to quantify the protection of GSO satellite networks operating in the MSS in the bands 7/8 GHz and 20/30 GHz from emissions of non-GSO satellite networks in the same bands and in same direction
• Consideration of application of No. 22.2 of the RR for MSS in the band 20/30 GHz should be pursued
Topic D - Mod to App 1 to Annex 4 of AP30B
• Error in the C/I equation is only in the English version of the 2020 edition of the RR and will be dealt with under WRC-23 Agenda Item 9.2
• Support on-going ITU-R studies on the modifications to Appendix 1 to Annex 4 of Appendix 30B of the RR
Draft India preliminary views
• Support on-going ITU-R studies on the modifications to Appendix 1 to Annex 4 of Appendix 30B of the RR
Topic E - New Member States in AP30B
• Support on-going ITU-R studies on improved procedures under Appendix 30B of the RR
Draft India preliminary views
• Support on-going ITU-R studies on improved procedures under Appendix 30B of the RR
Agenda Item 2
To examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with the further resolves of Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-19), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with the principles contained in the resolves of that Resolution
Agenda Item 4
In accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC-19), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation
Agenda Item 8
To consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC‐19)
Agenda Item 9.1, topic b
Review of the amateur service and the amateur satellite service allocations in the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz to determine if additional measures are required to ensure protection of the radionavigation-satellite (space-to-Earth) service operating in the same band in accordance with Resolution 774 (WRC-19)
APG23-2 Preliminary Views (Topic b)
• Supports the ITU-R studies relating to the agenda item
Agenda Item 10
To recommend to the ITU Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next world radiocommunication conference, and items for the preliminary agenda of future conferences, in accordance with Article 7 of the ITU Convention and Resolution 804 (Rev.WRC-19)
Draft Input to WPC in preparations for APG23-3
WRC-23 Agenda topic RR No. 21.5
The applicability of the limit specified in No. 21.5 of the Radio Regulations to IMT stations that use an antenna that consists of an array of active elements, with a view to recommending ways for its possible replacement or revision for such stations, as well as any necessary updates to Table 21‐2 related to terrestrial and space services sharing frequency bands
APG23-2 Preliminary Views
• This issue is not under agenda item 9.2, which is strictly limited to the Report of the Director on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations
• Equal rights between terrestrial IMT and space services in relation to the studies on RR No. 21.5 • APT Members encouraged to participate in the discussion of ITU-R WP 5D
• Support the ongoing ITU-R studies on the applicability of the limits specified in RR No. 21.5 to IMT stations using active antenna systems (AAS) and the verification of RR No. 21.5 regarding the notification of these IMT stations
• Views that ITU-R studies should address the matters being raised so far and prepare solutions that provide regulatory provisions/measures for the operation of terrestrial IMT and space services and their future development in a balanced and fair manner
Draft India preliminary views
Satellite Industry Views | Terrestrial Industry Views |
A change is necessary to clarify the application of RR No. 21.5 for fixed and mobile stations that use an antenna system consisting of an array of active elements (AAS) in the mmWave band. | No changes are necessary to RR No. 21.5 for fixed and mobile stations that use an antenna system consisting of an array of active elements (AAS) in the mmWave band. |
A suitable modification to the RR21.5:
• Is necessary to avoid adverse impact on the existing equal rights between terrestrial and space radiocommunication services in the mmWave band
• Is necessary to ensure adequate protection to satellite services
• will not hamper the development of terrestrial technologies.
| Any modification to the RR21.5:
• should avoid adverse impact on the existing equal rights between terrestrial and space radiocommunication services in the mmWave band,
• should ensure adequate protection to satellite services
• will hamper development of terrestrial technologies.
India therefore supports:
- Use of the “TRP” as the parameter to assess compliance with the Art 21.5 limit for stations that use an AAS antenna
- To establish a reference bandwidth of 200 MHz for the application of the Art 21.5 limit in the band 24.45-27.5 MHz
- Further study to establish the necessary clarifications for other frequency bands that may be used by terrestrial stations utilising AAS antennas
| India therefore supports:
- that no changes are necessary to RR No. 21.5 when considering IMT stations that may or may not use an antenna system consisting of an array of active elements for the band 24.45-27.5 GHz
- the approach of conducted power delivered by a single transmitter